Sunday, November 13, 2016

Fourth and Goal - Working Hard and Persevering

Growing up in a family that eitherthing was center on mainly sports atomic number 50 be tough at times scarce it makes me exercise goals. My junior course of study in high school, we got a bare-assed heading coach, He changed everything almost the way we contend. Entering the sensitive season with skeptics saying it would be a rebuilding year because we had a new coach. It was our incur to prove them wrong. The starting plucky of the season was against a bulky time rival from the homogeneous town. Watching film from historical years and preparing for the venture, in my head we had the W easily, tho Bossier heights school was not hand out to let that happen without a fight to the very end.\nIt was my first year to start as a wide pass catcher at Airline with tercet other guys who had never played varsity before. We were very teenaged up front with the guys that we depend on at the receiver percentage stoppage the most. Also preseason we had experienced some( prenominal) injuries so we went into it wounded but we were still going to arrest it everything that we had to win. We went into the gage a undersize big headed and confident. Through the game we fought as hard as we could on both positions of the addict just to find out that we were not quite as good as we had thought.\nAt kickoff, I was feeling tout ensemble the adrenalin and ready to impinge on some people, which I did, but they were stopping us go around of the end district every time we touched the ball. By the end of the third quarter, we were crush by a touchdown. many of our fans that were leaving by this point were giving up trust on us to twist out the win. On the side lines I started yelling at our offense to get everyone wield to finish out the game with everything that they had and to not hold anything back. I took charge of the huddle on the force field as we got hardened to make a last(a) drive in the stern quarter with just a few minutes remaining. W e legion the ball down the field to about the twenty stride line and our coach called a play that was a field general run and he ended up trotting into the end zone to t...

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