Friday, January 6, 2017

The Church and the Basic Ecclesial Communities

The joys and hopes, the fears and anxieties of the people of this age, especially the vile, argon those of the church building. This quote is taken from the minute Vati give notice Councils Pastoral Constitution on the church building in the ultramodern World, Gaudium et Spes believes in. As one historian has said, the conquest of the Americas came with a tidings in one helping hand and a sword in the other, and thats a long and mingled history. Fast forward to the twentieth century, and myopic people were beginning to long for a transport that would alter the traditional family relationship in which the church was much(prenominal) associated with those in power. The question this instant is how can the church building be a perform for the poor and at the same time, more theological in spirit?\nNowadays, the Church is identified alone with the hierarchy and that ignores the laity, a Church that is exclusively liturgical and sacramental, a Church that is not relate n early the situation of meagerness, injustice, delirium and the destruction of the environment, and a Church that is associated with the rich and powerful, where the poor are marginalized. The Church should not be like this. It should be a causal agency for those who were denied their rights and plunged into such poverty that they were deprived of their full consideration as human beings. The poor should take the example of saviour and use it to bring near a just society. To reform the Church, Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) were formed. The Second comprehensive Council of the Filipinos (PCP II) in 1991 regarded the BECs as core of renewing the Church and Philippine society. Since then BECs have continue to grow and expand and they can now be put in in over threescore dioceses. PCP IIs vision of the regenerate Church says, Our vision of the Church as communion, participation and mission, about the Church as priestly, prophetic, & kinglike people, and as a Church of th e Poor- a church that is regenerate - is today finding scene in one ecclesial movement. This is the movement t...

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