Thursday, February 2, 2017

America\'s Growing Economic Divide

The hype environ celebrities is like nothing else in our company. Many large number begrudge their million dollar mansions and plushy lifestyles. If you were to poll a legal age of Americans and ask them, Who do you call up the most successful flock in the region atomic number 18? I would be willing to bet a absolute majority of them would keys superstars like Tiger Woods, fasten Pitt, and Taylor Swift. While most of our society stargazes and obsesses all over this segment of our society, other naval division of our society goes close unnoticed, while raking in exponentially more money than the take up superstar or sham could ever dream of making. In addition, this group has tremendous amounts of personnel that is used to influence other sectors of our society. The segment that I am referring to argon the abstract 0.1 percent (in terms of total wealth) which is comprised by and large of heiress, hedge fund managers, and CEOs. These authority Elites are respon sible for the educational activity of our country. In fact, most Americans straight recognize that the biggest corporations, and the very tight have disproportionate political influence. A Pew look Center survey released in December found that lxxvii percent of Americans agree that, thither is too much mogul in the hands of a few rich people and corporations. Pew also sight that sixty-one percent of Americans believe, The economical system in this country unfairly favors the wealthy(Dreir 2014). For my paper, I was motivated to discuss how our actual societal system benefits the richest part of society, while hurting the rest.\nThe top paid Hedge entrepot Managers in America are the current leaders in terms of annual salary. George Soros, the list leader, brings in over $4 jillion a socio-economic class that amounts to an hourly salary of over $1 million dollars per hour. followers him are David Tepper and Steven Cohen, who both dumbfound over $2 billion a year. In tota l, the twenty-five highest-earning hedge fund managers do $24.3 billion in 2013 (Vardi 20... If you exigency to get a unspoilt essay, order it on our website:

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